Friday, November 6, 2020

Christopher Trotter: BEHIND THE WALLS WITH COVID -19

 IDOC Watch



My name is Christopher Trotter, and I'm a political prisoners being held captive inside the belly of the beast at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, Carlisle, IN. At this present time the facility is on lockdown due to the uptick in positive cases of Covid-19 amongst staff and prisoners. No mandatory testing or contact tracing of the prison population has been done. Nor has the facility tested the most vulnerable of the population which are the elderly and chronic care prisoners. The only measures that were taken was the isolation of a handfull of prisoners whom were taken to segregation and subjected to harsh conditions so they would return back to the general prison population and tell their stories of harsh treatment while in isolation which only serves to discourage prisoners from seeking medical treatment if they are infected or feeling ill.

Therefore, a prisoner who may be ill or infected hides his sickness and becomes a super spreader amongst the prisoners. The refusal of the facility to conduct mandatory testing will only bring about unwanted death when the virus really takes off inside this belly of the beast. Also, out of over 30 prisoners that have been tested, the facility has not provided one copy of the test results to any of the prisoners. Should we just take their word if the test is positive or negative?The facility has an interest to see that the facility isn't subjected to any long term lockdown due to the money it will lose from the outside companies that have invested in prison labor. The facility is more concerned about losing money than the well being of prisoners. It doesn't help when you have a president Trump, who says things like, "Don't be afraid of Covid." Sure he doesn't have to be afraid because he getting the best health treatment money can buy. But what type of health care treatment will a prisoner get? Please be smart and take the virus seriously.

Christopher Trotter

Indiana Political Prisoner Christopher Trotter, who in 2019 was re-sentenced to 129 years for his role in the 1985 uprising against guard brutality at Pendleton CF. 

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