Tuesday, July 16, 2019

July 12, 2019 Lights for Liberty vigil at an ICE facility in Indianapolis. More coverage soon.

from Action Indivisible: "'Besame Mucho' is the phrase you can hear the mothers crying as their babies are pulled from their arms by HHS agents.
'Kiss me, kiss me, again.'
#neveragainisnow "
"Senator Mike Braun 202-224-4814
Senator Todd Young 202-224-5623
Ask them what their plan is to reunite the infant's toddlers and children in concentration camps with guardians."

Monday, July 8, 2019

Critical Thought Critique is teaming up with Punks 4 Progress. We will still be CTC but also now Punks 4 Progress Indiana, a multi-media collective of the left. Solidarity Forever!