Sunday, September 18, 2022

Call to Action! Sign Letters in Support of Christopher Trotter's Sentence Modification!

 Call to action! The state is currently attempting to block Chris Trotter’s sentence modification hearing. The judge can either side with the state or give Chris the hearing he's owed. Sign our letter TODAY to let Judge Dudley know you stand with Chris:…

Mr. Trotter is 1/2 of the Pendleton 2, political prisoners from Indianapolis who were wrongfully convicted and extremely harshly sentenced for leading the 1985 Pendleton CF prisoner rebellion against white supremacist guard brutality. Visit for more information!



Saturday, September 3, 2022

Phone/Email Zap for Robert Peacher, 46 Days Without Food at Pendleton CF!

 IDOC Watch

Robert Peacher #881627 is a prolific jailhouse lawyer who is incarcerated at Pendleton CF. He has won at least 18 lawsuits against the Indiana DOC since being wrongfully convicted in the late ‘90s. In retaliation for his jailhouse lawyering in defense of prisoners’ human rights, Peacher was fed rat poison by guards at Wabash Valley CF. As a result of that experience, Peacher now suffers from PTSD and can’t eat unless his food is delivered by someone he trusts. He has told officials that he can’t trust food delivered by custody officers but will eat food delivered by non-custody staff. PCF officials are intentionally starving Peacher in retaliation for his legal activism by not allowing his food to be delivered by non-custody staff.

Right now, it has been 46 days since Peacher ate a real meal, because officials at Pendleton CF are refusing to allow his food to be delivered by non-custody staff.

Please call and email IDOC HQ and Pendleton CF Warden Dennis Reagle to demand that Robert Peacher’s (#881627) food be delivered by non-custody staff, so that he can eat without triggering his PTSD!

IDOC HQ: 317 232-5711 ext. 0, ext. 1

IDOC Commissioner Robert Carter Jr.:

Pendleton CF Warden Dennis Reagle: