Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Mistreatment of People with Diabetes at Plainfield CF! Please Call & Email Ombudsman

 IDOC Watch

We just received this report from someone who has a loved one incarcerated at Plainfield CF:

Diabetic Inmates at Plainfield Correctional Facility (Central N Cell Block) are being accused of being intoxicated and sent to medical where the nurses have confirmed their sugar is low and they are NOT intoxicated. Yet they are still being put into segregation and then into a holding cell with just a mat and none of their personal or hygienic belongings. Several are not receiving their proper amount of insulin.. if any. This can cause severe medical emergencies and even death.

People with diabetes have been killed by medical neglect in many prisons in the US and it needs to stop! They have the right to proper medical care via each individuals 'medical care plan.' Having accusations thrown at you, all your belongings left to be taken or thrown out, just to be thrown into an individual holding cell for a false accusation and not receive medical care is neglectful and abuse.

Please call/email Charlene Burkett, DOC Ombudsman Bureau, at (317) 234-3190 or Ombud@idoa.in.gov and demand they give the diabetic inmates their full dosage of insulin and to give them the essentials in their individual holding cells!!